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You can pick up two different vocation skills
in ESO. Each vocation allows you to do
different jobs to help you.
You can learn most of the vocations in Pokari. Talk to Roki the Woodsman (476, 463) to learn any of the Gathering Vocations. They include Mining, Foraging, Woodcutting and Skinning.
Each gathering vocation is used to support a crafting vocation.
You can learn the crafting vocations from Bolo the Craftsmen (449, 501).
The crafting vocations include Guardiancraft, Scoutcraft, Arcanecraft, Herbalism and Cooking.
You can learn Petcraft from Molon book Merchant at Gau's Fazenda (898, -474).
To access your vocations menu, press (O)
Woodcutting and You
Woodcutting is the vocation used to gather branches from trees, such as a Phoenix Tree or a Locust Tree using Hatchets which are purchased from Woodsman Roki in Pokari City.
He will also teach you the vocation for 10 Bronze. You can forget this vocation, as well as view your current exp and recipes for it whenever you like by accessing the craft menu in game. You can do this by pressing the O key in game.
The materials obtained through Woodcutting are used for Scoutcraft, the vocation needed to craft armors and weapons for Rogues and Rangers.
To gain exp for leveling the vocation, spend time gathering materials. You could also do the Woodcutting quests from Roki.
You probably can already tell, but you'll need a Hatchet before you can gather materials with Woodcutting.
The Hatchets below may be purchased at Woodsman Roki.
Some Hatchets aren't really used for anything yet but are still in game. My guess is that this is because they're used for higher level trees and such that aren't implemented in the game yet. That's just what I think though. Also, be sure to use the correct one for each tree!
Note: Hatchets can break when used.
Trees are what you will gather materials from using the correct Hatchet. However you must be a certain level in Woodcutting before you can gather from them.
There is a Title you can get for mastering this Vocation. Your Woodcutting skill must be level 4 in order to get it. It's orange and adds a stat, though you must have it in use to get the effect.
The title for Woodcutting adds +10% Critcast bonus damage and looks like Expert - Woodcutting.
The branches gathered from Trees can be refined into Tree Cores. Some recipes can be purchased at Woodsman Roki. To the left of the descriptions is a picture of what each core will look like.
Forgetting a Vocation
So I heard you don't want your vocation anymore. Well don't worry, you can delete it whenever you want. However if you do so, the exp and recipes you previously obtained will be reset. So make sure you know what you're doing.
Mining and You
Mining is the vocation needed to gather material from mines, which is needed for two other vocations.
The vocations are Guardiancraft, used to make weapons and armor for Shamans and Dragoons, and Petcraft which is used to craft Pet Bells and Pet Food. Although in this case Mining is only needed to make the bells, and not the food. You could always just buy materials too, however.
Anyways, you can learn this vocation from Woodsman Roki in Pokari City for 10 bronze.
You can forget this skill, as well as view your current exp and recipes for the vocation whenever you like by going into your craft menu in game by pressing the O key. However, this will reset the exp you have gotten for the vocation previously, so I do not recommend doing so unless completely sure you don't want it.
Pickaxes are needed to gather material and can also be purchased at Roki.
To gain exp for leveling the vocation, spend time gathering materials. You could also do the Mining quests from Roki.
Pickaxes are, as mentioned, the tool you will need to be able to gather materials with Mining. Here is a list of them that can be purchased at Woodsman Roki in Pokari City.
Note: Pickaxes may break when used.
Mines are the things you will need to find in order to gather materials from them. However your Mining skill must be a certain level before you can gather.
There is a Title you can get for mastering this Vocation. To obtain the title, your Mining skill must be level 4. It is orange and adds a stat as long as you have it in use, so you might see lots of people using it, or the other vocation titles, in game.
The title for Mining adds +1% Critcast and looks like Expert - Mining.
The materials gathered from mining may be refined into other materials. Some recipes for refining are purchased at Woodsman Roki.
Forgetting a Vocation
As I'm sure you know by now, you can delete (forget) a vocation whenever you like. Doing this however, will reset the exp and recipes you gained previously. Therefore I don't recommend doing so unless you're sure you want to.
Skinning and You
Skinning/Hunting is the vocation used to gather Pelts from monster corpses, which is used as material to craft armors or weapons for the vocation Arcanecraft, for Conjurers and Mystics.
A knife is needed to be able to gather from them and can be purchased at Woodsman Roki in Pokari city. He will also teach you the vocation for 10 Bronze.
If you decide you do not want this vocation later on, don't worry. It can be deleted at any time by accessing the craft menu in game. You do so by pressing the O key in game. Using the craft menu, you can also view your current recipes and exp for the vocation. Also, make sure you have the correct Knife for the monster corpse.
To gain exp for leveling the vocation, spend time gathering materials. You could also do the Hunting quests from Roki.
Types of Knives
Knives as you know, are the item you need in order to gather material from corpses. Here's a list of some that may be purchased at Woodsman Roki. Remember to use the correct knife for each corpse.
There is a Title you can get for mastering this Vocation. Which means you have to get it to level 4. The title is orange and adds a stat as long as you have it in use.
The title for Skinning adds +2 Accuracy and looks like Expert - Skinning
Forgetting a Vocation
If you made a mistake in taking the wrong vocation or deciding you don't like the one you did choose, don't worry; You may delete it at any time, as mentioned already. Though when you forget a vocation, the exp and recipes you gained previously will be reset. Be careful!
Foraging and You
Foraging is the vocation used to gather materials for Cooking and Herbalism, vocations that are for crafting useful potions.
Scythes are needed to be able to gather the materials, and can be purchased from Woodsman Roki in Pokari City. He will also teach you the vocation for 10 Bronze.
You can forget this skill, as well as view your current exp and recipes for the vocation whenever you like by going into your craft menu in game by pressing the O key.
To gain exp for leveling the vocation, spend time gathering materials. You could also do Foraging quests from Roki.
Scythes, as you can tell, are the item needed to gather materials. As you probably already know, you can buy them at Woodsman Roki in Pokari City. Make sure you have the right type of Scythe for what you're trying to gather though
Note: Scythes can break when used.
Bushes is these are what you must find to gather materials from with Foraging. Be sure to use the correct Scythe. Also, you must have reached a certain level in Foraging before you can gather from them.
There is a Title you can get for mastering this Vocation. Which means you have to get it to level 4.
The title is orange and adds a stat as long as you have it in use. The title for Foraging adds +500 max HP and looks like Expert - Foraging
Forgetting a Vocation
Doing this will reset the exp you have gotten for the vocation previously, so I do not recommend doing so unless you are completely sure you don't want or need it.
Introduction to Cooking
Cooking is the vocation used to make MP Potions, as well as many other useful ones.It's very similar to Herbalism, though with that one you make HP potions instead. This vocation is perfect for people that just use a lot of skills and too many potions.
The second vocation you will want to choose to go with Cooking is Foraging. Why? Well because you will need it to be able to gather the materials needed to craft potions.
You can learn this vocation from Craftsman Bolo in Pokari City. It costs 50 bronze to learn, though you may also forget this vocation whenever you like by using the craft menu. You can also view your current exp and recipes for the vocations you have using this menu.
To gain exp for leveling the vocation, you can craft a bunch of items or do the Cooking quests from Bolo.
Bolo's Recipes
As mentioned before you can purchase some, but not all, of the recipes needed to craft at Craftsman Bolo.
Has a chance to produce Small Mana Potion or Potion of Longevity.
Has a chance to produce Medium Mana Potion or Wellspring Potion.
Has a chance to craft Large Mana Potion or Celestial Potion.
Before you can craft any potions, you have to have the recipe for it. You can get them by purchasing them from Bolo, from monsters, or by buying them from other players.
Once you have the recipe, right click it in your inventory to put it into your craft list. Then press the O key while in game to see this menu.
You'll need the correct materials to be able to craft anything though, of course. For Cooking, you will probably need some type of Furnace. You may buy these from Tool Merchant Gin, the small, weird looking, child.. thing... He is located right next to Bolo in Pokari City.
Furnaces are one of the items you may need to be able to craft potions. Make sure you buy the correct one. They can be bought at Tool Merchant Gin.
Is Cooking Useful?
If you use a lot of MP, I would say yes. It might save you a bit of money/treasure.
As your Cooking skill level gets higher you can craft better potions than the ones you buy from NPCs. Plus you can make a lot of other useful types of potions as well, such as ones that add temporary buffs or that heal both your HP and MP.
In my opinion, Cooking is a very useful vocation to have, although it's also nice to be able to craft armor and weapons for yourself and others, or to make your own Pet Food or Bells.
Remember, you can only have 2 vocations at any time, so choose carefully. (Though you can always forget vocations too)
You can get a title after you get your Cooking to level 4. The title for Cooking adds + 5 to an Affinity that you choose as long as you have it on.
Also the title is orange and looks like Expert - Cooking - Pyra, for example.
Forgetting a Vocation
Any vocation can be forgotten at any time. However, doing so will reset all your exp you learned before as well as delete all recipes so I do not advise doing this. Unless you absolutely want to or something.
Introduction to Herbalism
Herbalism is very similar to Cooking, except for the fact that it makes HP Potions instead of MP ones. They do make the same other potions though, so they are both quite useful.
You can learn this vocation at Craftsman Bolo in Pokari City for 50 bronze. You can forget, as well as view your current exp and recipes for the vocation using the craft menu, which is accessible by pressing the O key in game.
The second vocational skill you should choose to go with Herbalism is Foraging, just like Cooking. You can learn that at Craftsman Roki in Pokari city. Foraging will let you be able to gather the materials you'll need to be able to craft potions.
To gain exp for leveling the vocation, you can craft a bunch of items or do the Herbalism quests from Bolo.
In order to craft anything, you will need the recipe. You can get these by buying from Bolo, from monsters, or by buying them from other players.
Once you have the recipe, right click it in your inventory to put it into your craft list. Then press the O key while in game to see this menu.
Make sure you have all the right materials though. Some materials can only be obtained by gathering them with Foraging, though you could always buy from other people as well.
You may also need Furnaces to craft, so to buy them go to Tool Merchant Gin in Pokari City, he's right next to Bolo.
Furnaces are one of the items you may need to be able to craft potions. Make sure you buy the correct one. They can also be bought at Tool Merchant Gin.
Bolo's Recipes
As mentioned before you can purchase some, but not all, of the recipes needed to craft at Craftsman Bolo.
Has a chance to produce Small Health Potion or Potion of Longevity.
Has a chance to produce Medium Health Potion or Wellspring Potion.
Has a chance to craft Large Health Potion or Celestial Potion.
Herbalism. Are you sure it's for me?
Well since Herbalism is the vocation to make HP potions, it's very useful for people who use up a lot of them.
As your Herbalism skill level gets higher you can craft better potions than the ones you buy from NPCs. Though as well as HP Potions, you can also make lots of other useful potions. Such as potions that heal both mp and hp and ones that add temporary buffs.
So yeah I think it'd be pretty useful.
Just like all the other vocations, you can get a title from Herbalism. You have to get Herbalism to level 4 to get the title.
The title is orange and looks like Expert - Herbalism - Unda, for example. It adds +5 to any Affinity you choose as long as you have it on.
Forgetting a Vocation
You can forget a skill whenever you want, but if you do it resets all the exp you got for the skill previously and deletes all the recipes. Therefore, I do not suggest doing this unless you're sure you don't want the vocation.
Introduction to Scoutcraft
Scoutcraft is the Vocational Skill used to craft armors and weapons for Rogues and Rangers.
You might want to have Woodcutting as your second choice of vocation, because it is needed to gather materials to be able to craft things.
This vocation may be learned at Craftsman Bolo in Pokari City. It costs 50 bronze to learn the vocation and can be forgotten whenever you want by accessing the craft menu. To do so, press the O key in game. Using this menu you can also view your current exp, as well as recipes, for the vocation.
Recipes can also be purchased from Bolo, though they are just basic ones. Many others can be found by killing monsters, inside instances, or buying them from other players or NPCs.
To gain exp for leveling the vocation, you can craft a bunch of items or do the Scoutcraft quests from Bolo.
To craft items you must first learn how. This means you have to have the recipe for it. It's learned by right clicking it when it's in your inventory. Of course, to actually be able to make the item you'll need the materials. Press the O key while in game to see what the item needs to be crafted.
For Scoutcraft you'll usually need a Thimblekit, which can be purchased at Tool Merchant Gin in Pokari City. He's right by Bolo.
You will probably also need materials obtained from Woodcutting to craft most things. You might also needs things like Armor shards or Material ether. These are found inside instances and have different levels.
For example, level 4 Shards are found in River Temple 1. Material Ether drops from monsters in instances.
Thimblekits are one of the items you may need to craft things for both Scoutcraft and Arcanecraft. These can be bought at Tool Merchant Gin.
Bolo's Recipes
As said before, Recipes (as well as materials) are needed to be able to craft things. Though it isn't the only way, Craftsman Bolo sells some recipes. Others can be found in instances, by killing monsters, or from other players and NPCs.
Name | Level Required | Vocation Required | Gender | Class | Costs |
Iron Bow | 15 | Scoutcraft Lv1 | N/A | Ranger | 1 Silver |
Chill Spikes | 15 | Scoutcraft Lv1 | N/A | Rogue | 1 Silver |
Iron Chest Armor | 15 | Scoutcraft Lv1 | Male | Rogue/Ranger | 1 Silver |
Marsh Boots | 15 | Scoutcraft Lv1 | Male | Rogue/Ranger | 1 Silver |
Warrior Cap | 15 | Scoutcraft Lv1 | Male | Rogue/Ranger | 1 Silver |
Steel Chest Armor | 15 | Scoutcraft Lv1 | Male | Rogue/Ranger | 1 Silver |
Trapper Suit | 15 | Scoutcraft Lv1 | Female | Rogue/Ranger | 1 Silver |
Insignia Cap | 15 | Scoutcraft Lv1 | Male | Rogue/Ranger | 1 Silver |
Petalmark Helm | 15 | Scoutcraft Lv1 | Female | Rogue/Ranger | 1 Silver |
Full Leather Boots | 15 | Scoutcraft Lv1 | Male | Rogue/Ranger | 1 Silver |
Spikeband Boots | 15 | Scoutcraft Lv1 | Female | Rogue/Ranger | 1 Silver |
Huntress Suit | 15 | Scoutcraft Lv1 | Female | Rogue/Ranger | 1 Silver |
Training Boots | 15 | Scoutcraft Lv1 | Female | Rogue/Ranger | 1 Silver |
Organdy Band | 15 | Scoutcraft Lv1 | Female | Rogue/Ranger | 1 Silver |
Seashell Band | 15 | Scoutcraft Lv1 | Female | Rogue/Ranger | 1 Silver |
Petalmark Helm | 15 | Scoutcraft Lv1 | Female | Rogue/Ranger | 1 Silver |
Archer Suit | 30 | Scoutcraft Lv2 | Male | Rogue/Ranger | 2 Silver |
Combat Boots | 30 | Scoutcraft Lv2 | Male | Rogue/Ranger | 2 Silver |
Iron Chip Cap | 30 | Scoutcraft Lv2 | Male | Rogue/Ranger | 2 Silver |
Compound Bow | 30 | Scoutcraft Lv2 | N/A | Ranger | 2 Silver |
Assassin Daggers | 30 | Scoutcraft Lv2 | N/A | Rogue | 2 Silver |
Lurker Suit | 30 | Scoutcraft Lv2 | Male | Rogue/Ranger | 2 Silver |
Violetplume Suit | 30 | Scoutcraft Lv2 | Female | Rogue/Ranger | 2 Silver |
Field Boots | 30 | Scoutcraft Lv2 | Male | Rogue/Ranger | 2 Silver |
Bluewing Boots | 30 | Scoutcraft Lv2 | Female | Rogue/Ranger | 2 Silver |
Swiftwing Suit | 30 | Scoutcraft Lv2 | Female | Rogue/Ranger | 2 Silver |
Plume Boots | 30 | Scoutcraft Lv2 | Female | Rogue/Ranger | 2 Silver |
Rubycore Band | 30 | Scoutcraft Lv2 | Female | Rogue/Ranger | 2 Silver |
Rubicund Band | 30 | Scoutcraft Lv2 | Female | Rogue/Ranger | 2 Silver |
Reinforced Cap | 30 | Scoutcraft Lv2 | Male | Rogue/Ranger | 2 Silver |
Sneak Suit | 45 | Scoutcraft Lv3 | Male | Rogue/Ranger | 3 Silver |
Defender's Boots | 45 | Scoutcraft Lv3 | Male | Rogue/Ranger | 3 Silver |
Warsong Cap | 45 | Scoutcraft Lv3 | Male | Rogue/Ranger | 3 Silver |
Sneak Suit | 45 | Scoutcraft Lv3 | Female | Rogue/Ranger | 3 Silver |
Thorning Boots | 45 | Scoutcraft Lv3 | Female | Rogue/Ranger | 3 Silver |
Band of Youth | 45 | Scoutcraft Lv3 | Female | Rogue/Ranger | 3 Silver |
Skylark Bow | 45 | Scoutcraft Lv3 | N/A | Ranger | 3 Silver |
Cutthroat Daggers | 45 | Scoutcraft Lv3 | N/A | Rogue | 3 Silver |
S.Craft: Oora Refinery | N/A | Scoutcraft Lv1 | N/A | N/A | 1 Silver |
S.Craft Widu Refinery | N/A | Scoutcraft Lv1 | N/A | N/A | 1 Silver |
S.Craft: Erda Refinery | N/A | Scoutcraft Lv1 | N/A | N/A | 1 Silver |
S.Craft: Pyra Refinery | N/A | Scoutcraft Lv1 | N/A | N/A | 1 Silver |
S.Craft: Unda Refinery | N/A | Scoutcraft Lv1 | N/A | N/A | 1 Silver |
Is Scout Craft for me?
Are you a Rogue or Ranger? You will need a certain level of Scoutcraft to be able to craft your level 100 Diplomatic Gear, as well as other things for the two classes associated with Scoutcraft. An example would be their level 25 area of effect (aoe) skill, which is craftable. Though you can also buy that from other players. Plus, +5 affinity titles aren't too bad either right?
The title for this vocation will give you +5 of an Affinity of your choice. In order to get the title, your Scoutcraft must be level 4.
The title looks like Expert - Scoutcraft - Oora for example. But you can choose the affinity. You have to have the title in use to get the effect from it, which is why you might see a lot of people with it on in game.
Forgetting a Vocation
You can forget a skill whenever you want, but if you do it resets all the exp you got for the skill previously and deletes all the recipes. Therefore, I do not suggest doing this unless you're sure you don't want the vocation.
Introduction to Guardiancraft
Guardiancraft is the vocation used to make armors and weapons for Shamans and Dragoons. Your second choice of vocation should be Mining, since you will need it to gather materials for crafting.
Guardiancraft can be learned from Craftsman Bolo in Pokari City for 50 bronze.
You are able to forget/delete vocations if you wish, as well as view your current exp and recipes for the vocation, by accessing the craft menu in game. To do so, press the O key, while in game of course.
To gain exp for leveling the vocation, you can craft a bunch of items or do the Guardiancraft quests from Bolo.
First, to be able to craft you have to learn the Recipe. Some of them can be purchased at Bolo, but others can be found killing monsters or in instances.
To learn the recipe, have it in your inventory and right click on it. It then goes into your crafting menu which is accessible by pressing the O key in game. Here it lists possible recipes. The ones you do not have are grayed out. You'll see that you'll need materials to be able to make the item.
For Guardiancraft you'll usually need a Hammer. You can purchase them at Tool Merchant Gin, who is right next to Bolo in Pokari City. You might also need some materials which can be gathered from the vocation Mining, or bought from someone else. You might also need things like Armor shards or Material Ether. These are found inside instances and have different levels.
For example, level 4 Shards are found in the instance River Temple 1. You can find Material Ether by killing the monsters inside the instances.
Hammers are one of the items you may need to be able to craft things for Guardiancraft. These can be bought at Tool Merchant Gin.
Bolo's Recipes
As mentioned before, Craftsman Bolo sells some of the recipes for Guardiancraft. Others can be found from monsters, in instances, other players, and other NPCs.
Name | Level Required | Vocation Required | Gender | Class | Costs |
Heavy Armor | 15 | Guardiancraft Lv1 | Male | Shaman/Dragoon | 1 Silver |
Steel Cap Boots | 15 | Guardiancraft Lv1 | Male | Shaman/Dragoon | 1 Silver |
Fortified Helm | 15 | Guardiancraft Lv1 | Male | Shaman/Dragoon | 1 Silver |
Bronze Spear | 15 | Guardiancraft Lv1 | N/A | Dragoon | 1 Silver |
Heavy Sentry Armor | 15 | Guardiancraft Lv1 | Male | Shaman/Dragoon | 1 Silver |
Pioneer Armor | 15 | Guardiancraft Lv1 | Female | Shaman/Dragoon | 1 Silver |
Plated Helm | 15 | Guardiancraft Lv1 | Male | Shaman/Dragoon | 1 Silver |
Petalmark Helm | 15 | Guardiancraft Lv1 | Female | Shaman/Dragoon | 1 Silver |
Steel Plated Boots | 15 | Guardiancraft Lv1 | Male | Shaman/Dragoon | 1 Silver |
Fort Guard Boots | 15 | Guardiancraft Lv1 | Female | Shaman/Dragoon | 1 Silver |
Sentinel Armor | 15 | Guardiancraft Lv1 | Female | Shaman/Dragoon | 1 Silver |
Field Battle Boots | 15 | Guardiancraft Lv1 | Female | Shaman/Dragoon | 1 Silver |
Butterfly Helm | 15 | Guardiancraft Lv1 | Female | Shaman/Dragoon | 1 Silver |
Cranium Smasher | 15 | Guardiancraft Lv1 | N/A | Shaman | 1 Silver |
Plated Helm | 15 | Guardiancraft Lv1 | Male | Shaman/Dragoon | 1 Silver |
Petalmark Helm | 15 | Guardiancraft Lv1 | Female | Shaman/Dragoon | 1 Silver |
Palace Guard Plate | 30 | Guardiancraft Lv2 | Male | Shaman/Dragoon | 2 Silver |
Heavy Greaves | 30 | Guardiancraft Lv2 | Male | Shaman/Dragoon | 2 Silver |
Phalanx Helm | 30 | Guardiancraft Lv2 | Male | Shaman/Dragoon | 2 Silver |
Trident Spear | 30 | Guardiancraft Lv2 | N/A | Dragoon | 2 Silver |
Fort Guard Plate | 30 | Guardiancraft Lv2 | Male | Shaman/Dragoon | 2 Silver |
Winterland Plate | 30 | Guardiancraft Lv2 | Female | Shaman/Dragoon | 2 Silver |
Battlefield Grieves | 30 | Guardiancraft Lv2 | Male | Shaman/Dragoon | 2 Silver |
Compound Grieves | 30 | Guardiancraft Lv2 | Female | Shaman/Dragoon | 2 Silver |
Northland Plate | 30 | Guardiancraft Lv2 | Female | Shaman/Dragoon | 2 Silver |
Fortified Grieves | 30 | Guardiancraft Lv2 | Female | Shaman/Dragoon | 2 Silver |
Compound Grieves | 30 | Guardiancraft Lv2 | Female | Shaman/Dragoon | 2 Silver |
Chromatic Helm | 30 | Guardiancraft Lv2 | Female | Shaman/Dragoon | 2 Silver |
Spikesphere | 30 | Guardiancraft Lv2 | N/A | Shaman | 2 Silver |
Dark Metal Plate | 45 | Guardiancraft Lv3 | Male | Shaman/Dragoon | 3 Silver |
Combat Grieves | 45 | Guardiancraft Lv3 | Male | Shaman/Dragoon | 3 Silver |
Cavalry Helm | 45 | Guardiancraft Lv3 | Male | Shaman/Dragoon | 3 Silver |
Dark Steel Plate | 45 | Guardiancraft Lv3 | Female | Shaman/Dragoon | 3 Silver |
Sturdy Grieves | 45 | Guardiancraft Lv3 | Female | Shaman/Dragoon | 3 Silver |
Heroine Helm | 45 | Guardiancraft Lv3 | Female | Shaman/Dragoon | 3 Silver |
Golden Spear | 45 | Guardiancraft Lv3 | N/A | Dragoon | 3 Silver |
Crimson Hammer | 45 | Guardiancraft Lv3 | N/A | Shaman | 3 Silver |
G.Craft: Oora Refinery | N/A | Guardiancraft Lv1 | N/A | N/A | 1 Silver |
G.Craft Widu Refinery | N/A | Guardiancraft Lv1 | N/A | N/A | 1 Silver |
G.Craft: Erda Refinery | N/A | Guardiancraft Lv1 | N/A | N/A | 1 Silver |
G.Craft: Pyra Refinery | N/A | Guardiancraft Lv1 | N/A | N/A | 1 Silver |
G.Craft: Unda Refinery | N/A | Guardiancraft Lv1 | N/A | N/A | 1 Silver |
Why should I pick Guardiancraft?
You might think something along the lines of "I'd rather make hp potions or pet food or something.I can buy armor."
Which is true and all but you'll need your Guardiancraft a certain level to be able to craft your level 100 diplomatic set. You'd also need it to be able to craft other things for either class Shaman or Dragoon, such as their level 25 area of effect (aoe) skill.
Also, making things to try to sell or give to your friends doesn't sound too bad either right?
The title for this vocation will give you +5 of an Affinity of your choice, just like Scoutcraft and Arcanecraft.
Though you'll have to have the title in use in order to gain the effect. (Which is why you'll see many people using them.) Your Guardiancraft must be at level 4 to get the title. The title looks like Expert - Guardiancraft - Erda, for example.
Except you can choose the affinity you want. Also, the title is orange and you'll probably see many people with it running around.
Forgetting a Vocation
A vocation may be forgotten whenever you want if you decide you would like a different one. However, this deletes the exp you previously gain so I don't suggest it. Unless. You reaaally want to.
Introduction to Arcanecraft
Arcanecraft is the vocational skill used for crafting armors and weapons for Conjurers and Mystics.
You should probably take Skinning as your second vocation, because it's needed to gather your materials you need to craft things.
First of all, you can learn this skill by talking to Craftsman Bolo in Pokari City. It costs 50 bronze to learn a vocation from Bolo and you can forget it, as well as view your current exp and recipes for the vocation whenever you want by accessing the craft menu. To do this, you just press the O key while in game.
You may also purchase some of the recipes needed to craft things from him. Others can be found from monsters or in instances and stuff, such as armor shards and material ether.
Material Ether drops from monsters in the instances and Armor Shards can be gathered in them. Make sure you get the right one for your vocation though.
To gain exp for leveling the vocation, you can craft a bunch of items or do the Arcanecraft quests from Bolo.
To craft items you must first learn how. This means you have to have the recipe for it. It's learned by right clicking it when it's in your inventory. Of course, to actually be able to make the item you'll need the materials.
Press the O key while in game to see what the item needs to be crafted. For Arcanecraft you'll usually need a Thimblekit, which can be purchased at Tool Merchant Gin in Pokari. You can't miss him, he's right by Bolo. Sometimes you'll also need a matieral such as Pelt or Rawhide, which can be obtained by the vocational skill Skinning, as mentioned earlier.
There are also things called armor shards and material ether, found in instances, that you may need in order to craft things. You can gather the shards from shell looking things but make sure you choose the right one for your skill. Material ether drops from monsters in the instances.
Thimblekits are one of the items you may need to craft things for both Scout Craft and Arcanecraft. These can be bought at Tool Merchant Gin.
Bolo's Recipes
In order to craft anything you must have the recipe for it. These can be obtained in a couple ways, but Craftsman Bolo sells some of them. Soooome of them. Others can be found in instances, by killing monsters, or bought from other players or NPCs.
Name | Level Required | Vocation Required | Gender | Class | Costs |
Peachwood Staff | 15 | Arcanecraft Lv1 | N/A | Mystic | 1 Silver |
Magic Gourd | 15 | Arcanecraft Lv1 | N/A | Conjurer | 1 Silver |
Cloudshade Robe | 15 | Arcanecraft Lv1 | Male | Mystic/Conjurer | 1 Silver |
Mediator Shoes | 15 | Arcanecraft Lv1 | Male | Mystic/Conjurer | 1 Silver |
Soft Headband | 15 | Arcanecraft Lv1 | Male | Mystic/Conjurer | 1 Silver |
Pyr Robe | 15 | Arcanecraft Lv1 | Male | Mystic/Conjurer | 1 Silver |
Daffodil Robe | 15 | Arcanecraft Lv1 | Female | Mystic/Conjurer | 1 Silver |
Glimmer Headband | 15 | Arcanecraft Lv1 | Male | Mystic/Conjurer | 1 Silver |
Willowmark Hairband | 15 | Arcanecraft Lv1 | Female | Mystic/Conjurer | 1 Silver |
Treebark Sandles | 15 | Arcanecraft Lv1 | Male | Mystic/Conjurer | 1 Silver |
Leafring Shoes | 15 | Arcanecraft Lv1 | Female | Mystic/Conjurer | 1 Silver |
Moonshade Robe | 15 | Arcanecraft Lv1 | Female | Mystic/Conjurer | 1 Silver |
Foliage Shoes | 15 | Arcanecraft Lv1 | Female | Mystic/Conjurer | 1 Silver |
Ruby Hairband | 15 | Arcanecraft Lv1 | Female | Mystic/Conjurer | 1 Silver |
Skylark Robe | 30 | Arcanecraft Lv2 | Male | Mystic/Conjurer | 2 Silver |
Soft Fur Shoes | 30 | Arcanecraft Lv2 | Male | Mystic/Conjurer | 2 Silver |
Mediator Hat | 30 | Arcanecraft Lv2 | Male | Mystic/Conjurer | 2 Silver |
Moon Staff | 30 | Arcanecraft Lv2 | N/A | Mystic | 2 Silver |
Thunder Illuminate | 30 | Arcanecraft Lv2 | N/A | Conjurer | 2 Silver |
Unda Robe | 30 | Arcanecraft Lv2 | Male | Mystic/Conjurer | 2 Silver |
Windscale Robe | 30 | Arcanecraft Lv2 | Female | Mystic/Conjurer | 2 Silver |
White Fur Boots | 30 | Arcanecraft Lv2 | Male | Mystic/Conjurer | 2 Silver |
White Fur Boots | 30 | Arcanecraft Lv2 | Female | Mystic/Conjurer | 2 Silver |
Drakeling Robe | 30 | Arcanecraft Lv2 | Female | Mystic/Conjurer | 2 Silver |
Soft Fur Shoes | 30 | Arcanecraft Lv2 | Female | Mystic/Conjurer | 2 Silver |
Pearl Hairpin | 30 | Arcanecraft Lv2 | Female | Mystic/Conjurer | 2 Silver |
Sapphire Hairpin | 30 | Arcanecraft Lv2 | Female | Mystic/Conjurer | 2 Silver |
Ruminator Headband | 30 | Arcanecraft Lv2 | Male | Mystic/Conjurer | 2 Silver |
Scarletwing Robe | 45 | Arcanecraft Lv3 | Male | Mystic/Conjurer | 3 Silver |
Wavewalker Shoes | 45 | Arcanecraft Lv3 | Male | Mystic/Conjurer | 3 Silver |
Abyssal Hat | 45 | Arcanecraft Lv3 | Male | Mystic/Conjurer | 3 Silver |
Cyanwing Robe | 45 | Arcanecraft Lv3 | Female | Mystic/Conjurer | 3 Silver |
Wavewalker Shoes | 45 | Arcanecraft Lv3 | Female | Mystic/Conjurer | 3 Silver |
Shadow Hairband | 45 | Arcanecraft Lv3 | Female | Mystic/Conjurer | 3 Silver |
Pearl Staff | 45 | Arcanecraft Lv3 | N/A | Mystic | 3 Silver |
Lunar Bell | 45 | Arcanecraft Lv3 | N/A | Conjurer | 3 Silver |
A.Craft: Oora Refinery | N/A | Arcanecraft Lv1 | N/A | N/A | 1 Silver |
A.Craft Widu Refinery | N/A | Arcanecraft Lv1 | N/A | N/A | 1 Silver |
A.Craft: Erda Refinery | N/A | Arcanecraft Lv1 | N/A | N/A | 1 Silver |
A.Craft: Pyra Refinery | N/A | Arcanecraft Lv1 | N/A | N/A | 1 Silver |
A.Craft: Unda Refinery | N/A | Arcanecraft Lv1 | N/A | N/A | 1 Silver |
Why should I learn Arcanecraft?
Well, you might think "Hey I could just buy armor from other people, why would I want to spend all this time just to make my own?".
Which I pretty much agree with, except for the fact that you'll need a certain level of Arcanecraft to be able to craft your level 100 Diplomatic equipment and some other useful things, such as the level 25 area of effect (aoe) skill.
Plus it's pretty cool to be able to make things for your friends, or to sell. The title doesn't sound too bad either eh?
You can get a title for mastering Arcanecraft, though you have to get your Arcanecraft level to 4. Also the title gives you +5 of an Affinity of your choice and looks like Expert - Arcanecraft - Unda , for example.
Remember, to get the effect from the title you must have it in use. (Which is why you may see a lot of people with a vocation title on in game.)
Forgetting a Vocation
You can delete vocations you don't want or need at any time. However this deletes all your exp you gained from it previously so I don't suggest it unless you really don't want it. You may also relearn them as well.
Introduction to Petcraft
Petcraft is the vocation used to make Pet Food and Pet Bells.
You can't really learn both due to the fact that Pet Bells need materials from Mining to craft, and Pet Food needs materials from Foraging.
Being able to craft Pet Bells would be useful for selling to other players or for just making them for your own pets.
Pet Food crafting is useful because then you don't have to really buy so much food, obviously.
So either one would be able to save you a little bit of money or treasure. This vocation can be learned from Book Merchant Molon located in Gau's Fazenda. It costs 1 gold to learn it and may be forgotten whenever you like.
To gain exp for leveling the vocation, you can craft a bunch of items or do the Petcraft quests from Craftsman Bolo in Pokari City. He's located near the east door of Pokari.
To craft you will need the Recipe first. Some of these are purchased from Molon or dropped by monsters. You can also buy them from other players. To learn the recipe, have it in your inventory and right click it. It then goes to the crafting menu, which you get to by pressing the O key in game. You will see that you need materials to craft the items.
Remember, you will need Mining to get materials for Pet Bell crafting and Foraging for Pet Food.
If you choose to craft Pet Bells instead of Pet Food, you'll be going with Mining as your second vocation. Or most likely, anyways.
To craft Bells, you're going to need a Hammer, which may be purchased at Tool Merchant Gin in Pokari City. Below is a list of the hammers and how much they cost.
However, if you choose to make Pet Food instead of the Bells, you'll be going with Foraging as your second choice of Vocation. Probably. Anyways, if this is the path you choose, you're going to need to buy Furnaces to craft.
Here's a list of the Furnaces and their costs. They can also be bought at Tool Merchant Gin in Pokari City.
Molon's Recipes
Before you can craft anything, you'll need to get the recipe, (as well as materials) for it.
Some of these can be bought at Book Merchant Molon in Gau's Fazenda. Others can be obtained by killing monsters, in instances, or buying them from other players or NPCs.
Name | Level Required | Vocation Required | Costs |
Pea Bean Recipe | 1 | Petcraft Lv1 | 1 Silver |
Red Bean Recipe | 15 | Petcraft Lv2 | 2 Silver |
Soybean Recipe | 30 | Petcraft Lv3 | 3 Silver |
Horse Bean Recipe | 45 | Petcraft Lv4 | 4 Silver |
Biscuit Recipe | 1 | Petcraft Lv1 | 1 Silver |
Cookie Recipe | 15 | Petcraft Lv2 | 2 Silver |
Cherry Tart Recipe | 30 | Petcraft Lv3 | 3 Silver |
Tomato Slice Recipe | 45 | Petcraft Lv4 | 4 Silver |
Arcane Coral Bell Recipe | 10 | Petcraft Lv1 | 1 Silver |
Arcane Amber Bell Recipe | 25 | Petcraft Lv2 | 2 Silver |
Arcane Turquoise Bell Recipe | 40 | Petcraft Lv3 | 3 Silver |
Recipe Drops
Besides buying the recipes from Molon, you can also obtain them as drops from monsters. Below is a table of recipes and the monsters that are known to drop them but as the monsters are unique "elite" monsters, they may be a bit hard to find as other players may be killing them since they drop a lot of money per kill and they also have a preset walking route to add to the difficulty.
Name | Level | Monster | Location |
Pea Bean Recipe | 1 | Gold Toothgrinder Box | Outer Fazenda (769, -70) |
Red Bean Recipe | 15 | Waving Scissorhand | Mount Forchanzet (392, -765) |
Soybean Recipe | 30 | Exiled General | Hurko Manor (216, -718) |
Horse Bean Recipe | 45 | Meditation Fire | Haunted Valley |
Mung Bean Recipe | 60 | Cloudwisk General | Outside Arcanois Town |
Black Bean Recipe | 75 | All Monsters in Judium | Judium Map |
Crunchy Bean Recipe | 90 | "Bannerman" Monsters in Dizzet | Dizzet Map |
Name | Level | Monster | Location |
Biscuit Recipe | 1 | Gold Toothgrinder Box | Outer Fazenda (769, -70) |
Cookie Recipe | 15 | Waving Scissorhand | Mount Forchanzet (392, -765) |
Cherry Tart Recipe | 30 | Exiled General | Hurko Manor (216, -718) |
Tomato Slice Recipe | 45 | Meditation Fire | Haunted Valley |
Pie Recipe | 60 | Cloudwisk General | Outside Arcanois Town |
Egg Tart Recipe | 75 | All Monsters in Judium | Judium Map |
Lemon Cookie Recipe | 90 | "Bannerman" Monsters in Dizzet | Dizzet Map |
Name | Level | Monster | Location |
Arcane Coral Bell Recipe | 10 | Gold Toothgrinder Box | Outer Fazenda (769, -70) |
Arcane Amber Bell Recipe | 25 | Waving Scissorhand | Mount Forchanzet (392, -765) |
Arcane Turquoise Bell Recipe | 40 | Exiled General | Hurko Manor (216, -718) |
Arcane Pearl Bell Recipe | 55 | Meditation Fire | Haunted Valley |
Arcane Topaz Bell Recipe | 70 | Cloudwisk General | Outside Arcanois Town |
Arcane Cyanar Bell Recipe | 85 | All Monsters in Judium | Judium Map |
Arcane Sapphire Bell Recipe | 90 | "Bannerman" Monsters in Dizzet | Dizzet Map |
Do I really want Pet Craft?
Petcraft is very useful as it offers the ability to craft higher grade pet foods and more powerful versions of pet bells tailored specifically for the different attitudes (Elite bells for Fierce and Normal types and Carved bells for Bright and Cautious).
The petfood is almost always useful to you whether you like to solo level or if you like to do a lot of dungeons: Belly food is essential for keeping your healing/attacking pets satisfied (rumoured to increases combat capabilities) and HP food is essential for healing your fuse pet while taking on boss level monsters.
While petcraft is not necessarily the most profitible vocation you can still make a fair profit from selling pet bells as elite grade pet bells are generally high in demand and it always works out cheaper overall to craft your own petfood than to buy it.
The only major disadvantage with petcraft is the conflicting material requirements: for petfood it would be a lot easier if you had the 'foraging' vocation to gather plant materials while it would be easier to craft petbells if you have the 'mining' vocation to gather metal materials so you are forced to choose between the two.
However, it is probably better to choose the foraging option as metals, while not common, are relatively easier to come by and you only really need small amounts of metal to forge a bell anyway.
The title for this vocation adds Resilience +2 when you have it in use. To get the title, get your Pet Craft skill to level 4. The title is orange and looks like Expert - Petcraft
Forgetting a Vocation
Vocations may be forgotten at any time if you decide you no longer want, or need them. If you do so, the exp and recipes you gained previously will be reset. So I do not suggest it unless you're sure you don't want it anymore, though you can always relearn it and start over later.