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- Overview
- Pet Types
- How to Use Pets
- How to Meld Pets
- Super Pet
- World Boss Pets
- Evolving Pet
- Special Craft
Pets play a big role in your adventures in Ether Saga
Pets can be used to help you fight, defend
and even heal your character.
Stay tuned
You can also fuse with a pet, which would result in your pet taking half of your incoming damage. For the best fuse effect, try to find a pet with a high health. Certain pets also give different bonuses when you fuse with them.
Fusion Elements
Different pets have different fusion elements or bonus stats to aid you in battle. Each family also has a set elemental affinity bonus as seen in the table.
Different types of mobs also has secondary, tertiary, and some even quaternary stat bonuses. An example would be a Cloudwisk Captain. Their primary element is Unda because they are Beastkin and their secondary is Accuracy. Primary and secondary bonuses are set for all mobs, third and fourth may vary. A common third element for the Cloudwisk Captain is Resilience.
To use a pet, open your bag (B) and open your pet bag (P). You can drag and drop the pet you wish to use in the pet bag, or right click on your pet to equip it into your pet bag. Once your pet is in your pet bag, you can choose to Summon or Fuse it.
Summoning your pet will bring your pet out to help you in your combat. Click the color icon in the pet menu on the left side of the screen to summon it. Fusing with a pet will have the pet take half of your incoming damage. Click the stick figure icon to fuse with your pet.
You can simultaneously have one pet summoned and one pet fused.
Every player starts with their own pet. Players can tame and capture new pets as they adventure through the world.
Basic Pet Attributes
Pet Growth Rates
Different types of monsters (beastkin or humanoid for example) have different growth rates, just like different attitudes (fierce or bright for example). For example elementa generally have more intelligence than beastkin type monsters. Mechen has more defense than either type, if they are of equal level, because its growth rate in defense is higher. Pets with a fierce attitude generally have higher defense growth rates than other attitudes like calm or normal.
Keeping Pets Healthy
HP, Belly, Petbond, and Life are the four parts of a Pet's status. Each has a different influence on your Pet's growth and functions. "All pet food and HP can be found at Chef Theo located next to Hunter in Pokari City"
Pet's Elemental Affinity