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- Crypt of Hunters
- Mount Shadowhaul
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Mount Shadowhaul
Stay tuned for some tips we prepared for you!
Jino was viciously attacked while residing at the Southern Temple. His room was set ablaze and his cassock was stolen. Please help him retrieve the cassock and eliminate the Blackwind Champion.
Prerequisite: Shadowhaul Cavern Map (Obtain the map from Dweller of Vacuity in Pokari City)
Attention: This adventure has two difficulties, with the default being normal. After entering the adventure, click Enable Hard Mode to increase the difficultly. Monsters will drop a lot more loot in Hard Mode! Rookies; Please ensure you are ready for the challenge before trying Hard Mode!
Difficulty: ★Recommended LV: 25~40
Competitors: Warriors of Pokari VS Mount Shadowhaul Monsters
Warriors' Goal: Kill the Blackwind Champion, Sablemane Stalker, and Jadelither Deadeye
- Star of Luck - White
- Farm currency used to obtain materials used to forge "Thousand Years Grass".
- Ancestral Crystal
- An ancient stone. Increases the likelihood of success when Imbuing Elements at the Ancestral Forge.
- Etherlaced Crystal
- An incredible ancient stone. Add as auxiliary material to increase successful rate of Imbuing and Socketing.
Note: The item "Star of Luck - White" is only dropped from Bosses when the adventure is in Hard Mode.
Dungeon Details:
This will be the players second try at fate when they enter Mount Shadowhaul to attempt their second dungeon.
It begins the players off in a safe spot beside Jino before the gate that leads down the dangerous path to the mountain before them. It almost seems getting there is more dangerous then inside, however that's a grave thought to think.
For across your adventure you will encounter stronger mobs then ever before, and several bosses that will annihilate anything that comes before them. Though once you reach the mountain after your hard journey you will have to grind all the way to the end to reach the final boss, in which an epic battle will ensue until he falls to the ground with the party victorious.
These lethal bosses include Jadeslither Deadeye, a dangerous archer creature capable of targeting players from a distance and taking them down. Sablemane Stalker will be your next boss who you will have to face, with his wolf claws and dangerous AOE techniques. While the final boss rests in the heart of the mountain,the Blackwind Champion will be a feat to beat.
Dungeon Details:
A Player who has finally made there first giant leap into the game, can now enter The Cypt of Hunters.
Within the Crypt of Hunters you will have to endure endless mobs and several beastly bosse's that can put a major dent into your health bar.
Though do not be afraid adventure, come prepared and with friends and you can easily overcome the creatures before you.
Even fight on the edge and go head on with the bosses within the dungeon and pray your not defeated so easily.
The creatures you will find within this dungeon are the Beareo Guards that defend the first sanctum of the dungeon. The Bullero Sabermen that defend the second section, and the Tigero Guards that guard the path to the final boss. The bosses include Blackbear Soverign, Buffalero Magistrate, and Baahu Magebane.
Each more deadly the next, though do not let that intimidate you.
Jadeslither Deadeye
Jadeslither Deadeye is one dangerous boss, with a bow in its grasp. It can target players from a distance and drop them in an instant if you're not careful.
This snake like creature will slither around and aim to defeat you with its dangerous techniques.
With a beastkin affinity, he is no easy feat to take down. However with a party this slithering foe can be put to rest.
Sablemane Stalker
Sablemane Stalker is more fierce than the boss before, this dire wolf will charge towards you with the intent to kill as you have to defend yourself from its claws and magical attacks.
Beware of the creature frightening howl as it unleashes an AOE that strikes down party members and pets alike, injuring them gravely as you fight closer and closer to the beast. This howl is so powerful that pets may even run away from the battle for a small amount of time!
This monster is not to be toyed around with nor is he a boss to underestimate for this wolf will strike you down.
Blackwind Champion
Blackwind Champion is the final boss of Mount Shadowhaul and for good reason.
This creature is unlike any other in size or strength. With its massive structure, and black fur, this giant among monsters will chase and fight a party to the death, even if he is hungry.
Hacking and slashing at them with his over bearing weapon until the party is left defenseless and lifeless.
Though coordinated attacks and strategy can bring down this amazing tank within the mountain. Only then can you beat the dungeon and have a successful instance.