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A lance wielding guardian that charges into battle
wearing the heaviest of armor.
The Dragoon may advance to become a Guardian or Vanguard.
Dragoons are melee based characters. They have no ranged skills at all besides common ethyrs.
Dragoons can be tanks to an extent but need to have heavy loads of defense and/or health. They use the heavy armor type called "Guardian" also know as G.Armor. Their weapon of choice would in fact be the spear.
Affinity types for a dragoon depend on the person you are and how you like to play, but a MUST for dragoon is always primary Erda (Erda).
Dragoons can get their first diplo armor at level 60, this is when you can make a change in your squad. If your armor is imbued high enough with the appropriate ethrelics then you can go forth and tank bosses. Of course, a mystic is required. People say Dragoons are useless, but to be honest they are well needed late game for tanking bosses seeing as no other class can acquire as much HP as a dragoon can get.
The Dragoons are valiant warriors. They wield spears and are considered kings of combat. Taking Jenas Wun, who was the most famous spear user of antiquity, as their patron saint and guardian, Dragoons will crush any enemy without mercy. Courage, tactics, and strength are the marks of these suppressors of evil.
Strong bodies and excellent defenses make Dragoons the top protective team members. Dragoons' high Strength also provides them with great advantages over their enemies. It is a good Class for new players to start with. To make a Dragoon both lethal to enemies and protective of friends you can focus on improving its Erda (Erda) Affinity as well as Health, Defense and Elemental resistance.
Class Change Details
You are able to start class change already around 60 level but if you want to finish it you must need to be 75 level.
*Step by step for class change: (Created by players for players.)
- Accept the quest from Ziola in Pokari and teleport to Gallio.
- Talk to the Lord of the Well who's under Gallio.
- Open your quest list. You will need to kill monsters for Rough Compass, Hidden Atlas and Magnetic Needle, click the green names in quest's decription and it will autoroute you to monsters which drops those items.
- Go back to the Lord of the Well.
- Fly under Metallon Lowland. Near frozen lake is the Well. You will need to dig it and then quest will pop up and it will teleport you back to the Lord of the Well
- Lord of the Well will ask you to transform into 2 monsters, one after the other. You will need to obtain the transformation cards he asks for from the trading NPCs in Pokari or drop from the specific monster.
- Kill 300 Cyclopean Scouts, 900 Camtavian Smokeshells and 1500 Hairy Pink Rhinos.
- Go back to the Lord of the Well and then to Ziola.
- Take teleport quest and talk to Jenas Wun.
- Kill Aughorn Kobolts for items and turn quest 5 times
- Visit fast Jenas Wun and fly to Dracocide Peak to kill 50 Cyclopean Fishmongers.
- Turn quest and your done!
*Tips and info:
Subclass Guardian
Guardians are strictly for "guarding" or "tanking", they have the capability to reduce masses amount of damage, as well as boosting their Resistances and Defense significantly. If you wish to be a tank, and not so much have an advantage in PvP, then Guardian is the class for you.
Subclass Vanguard
Vanguard is strictly offensive based, you can NOT tank even remotely efficient to Guardian. This sub-class is more PvP oriented, it has stuns, slows, and even a 360 degree AoE. If you like PvP in regards to strategy to kill your opponent, then Vanguard is the class for you.