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Gallio Kingdom
Great adventures in icy fields and dense
forests. It's time to change profession!
The Gallio Kingdom seems to be the smallest of each of the large domains, as this region only contains one main city, and that is Gallio.
A Frost bitten town surrounded by frozen alpine peaks of the Ether Saga world.
Here you find only the harshest of environments and coldest of temperatures as ice and frozen landscapes paint the scenery.
Through dtermination you will eventually find plant life, but will bump through many obstacles in your path.
Fight against more power enemies as you travel the land and succeed in your job change!
Gallio City
Gallio is the heart of the Gallio Kingdom. This frozen wasteland does have some beauty left within it, as it paints the scenery with snow and Ice.
Numerous creatures live within the frozen mountains and icy lakes, many adore the Azure Pegasus for its amazing beauty and feature as a mount.
Though its just more then amazing ivory hues glowing on the Ether Saga browsers, Gallio contains amazing dips and drops, even a northern forest region over the mountain peaks.
Where adventures can find themsleves deep within the heart of a jungle, lost between branches and vines as the Gallio Kingdom simply keeps you awe struck.
Adventures can take the transport from Gallio to Elephunc, Amaz, and Judium.