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Ziminian Domain
Several challenges for those of high level.
Incomparable beauties in different cultures.
The Ziminian Domain contains some rather new and relaxing environments to the higher level players eyes.
As players set foot in the city of Amaz, Judium, and Dizzet which each have their own unique appearance and scenery.
The cities of Amaz being a city clothed in Japanese culture, as the buildings swirl into the heavens. The city itself sitting in the middle of the river between a range of mountains.
While Judium finds itself as an ancient village covered in scarlet leaves as its ancient Egyptian layout provides players with its elderly appearance.
While Dizzet is the most scariest region yet, with most of its land being covered in volcanic ash, sewn together amongst the volcanic rock, nothing but crimson and black hues found there.
Amaz Region
The Amaz Region is apart of the Western part of the continent.
This region is filled with numerous female creatures walking cross the grounds of the area. Along with numerous other cute creatures that wander these lands.
Though let us not forget that Amaz holds the home to the Knocknee Assasin's guards, the entire town guarded by the 'KA' model, making it quite the sight for our male adventures.
Judium Region
Judium is a country far off from many of the others, this nation environment is covered with numerous hues of scarlet leaves.
Along with numerous other trails of dust, and dirt as the ground itself seems to have been left behind and left untraveled. The region itself almost appears forgotten accept by its own inhabitants.
None the less many will not be visiting this location until they are far higher in level.
Dizzet Village
Dizzet appears to be the furthest region away from the heart of the Ether Saga World.
These lands appear to be nothing more then battlegrounds for volcanoes, and the strongest creatures. Strangely enough, a group of people were brave enough to colonize the area around the mountain.
Their position protects them from a lot of monsters down below. You can reach from the transporter the regions of Gallio, Amaz, and Judium.